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What's New in 2024?

I'm sitting at my computer surfing and I decided to write a blog. It's 2024 and I've been thinking about updates, changes and chasing success. The only problem, or rather one of them has been the weather. It's been so cold in Michigan that without gloves the fingers can only work ten minutes at a time. For that level of pain and suffering I've been inside waiting for warm weather.

The weather did break a little and I really needed a photo fix so I took out my digital. Digital is easier and faster and although I often feels like it's cheating, kind of like shooting fish in a barrel, on incredibly cold days like we've been experiencing it's been my go to.

The Detroit Lions has had an amazing year, and the city has been showing it's pride, and I've been fortunate enough to live here to witness most of it. I've attended as many events as I could and I've shot lots of what I call blue sightings like the Spirit of Detroit dressed in a blue jersey.

I've been updating my website and the current work is under the portfolio tab called what else? New Work Portfolio. It's a long portfolio and I haven't deleted any images so I get it if after five minutes you're ready to bail. Also I've been considering opening up my Instagram page and making it public again. I'm still not over the website who snagged all of my images and posted them with an "edit" button. If you change an image roughly twenty percent it can be called "theirs".

Insta is still private although most images on my page can be found right here on my site which I am working to attract more visitors. That's it for now. Here are some January favs. All digital. Click to view larger; galleries and slide shows are cropped.

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