It's probably safe to say that we've all been to at least one art fair with white tents and food trucks. As a photographer this can easily be dismissed as an eye roll and/or head scratcher. How to make this event interesting? This past weekend I attended FrankenFest an early fall art show that actually did the work for me.
This festival was different because of location, location, location. It was held at the moody and well maintained Historic Fort Wayne in Detroit with a Universal Classic Monster as the headliner. These two elements elevated the ho hum into infinite photo ops. The attendees dressed for the occasion and I'm thrilled that I showed up for work.
I didn't see Frankenstein but his bride was there along with the Ghostbusters and The Plant from the Little Shop of Horrors. The fair had something for everyone and it was so well done; from exploring the fort (amazing shafts of light; the Michael Meyers picture), to the natural trails, and yes, the art.
I keep an open mind whenever I go out to shoot because photographs are visual memories and to try to predict a photograph at a moment in time is like trying to predict the future. This event was an art fair but the creatives behind it made the ordinary unique. I've said it before, photography is hard work but I never allow it to become a job.
All images are digital however I did use my manual focus Lensbaby. Click to view larger; galleries and slide shows are cropped.