I watched a Bloomberg Original RUIN: Money, Ego and Deception at FTX on YouTube this weekend. It was so well done. It did a comprehensive job at explaining crypto currency but what I was really tuned into as a creative was how visually interesting it was. The cinematography was really good; it added polaroids, Super 8, and AI generated graphics really effectively.
Surprisingly this super geeky documentary actually made me think I need to creatively push myself. Maybe add in some videos here and there or grab the Holgaroid. My original objective watching this documentary was to obtain feedback about the current state of crypto currency. Financials in any career is important and at some point it's smart to have your money work for you.
I don't consider my photography a side hustle. I consider it my career primarily because I prefer to do it and it makes me happy. I frequently see other photographers out and about with their cameras working with subjects. Last month when I was shooting an event I over heard someone say, "everyone wants to be a photographer." My first thought was I am a photographer, and my second thought asked, is she right?
I signed up for FIVERR to scope out the pricing of local photographers. What I see based on their pricing is that they consider photography as a side hustle. In this intense cycle of inflation who can live on $89? Unfortunately they're undercutting the market; finding fair paying gigs is an ever present chore in the creative life. However, the old adage you get what you pay for is often true.
I do wonder what is best; to jump into the social media pool or to keep after the galleries and the editors. I don't have the answers so I continuously make adjustments to all three philosophies. What I keep discovering is that no one has it easy even when it appears as if they do. The subject of the documentary was brilliant, then 25 and asked for 100 million dollars and seemingly obtained it. He excelled, ultimately failed, and will be jailed. Click to view larger; galleries and slide shows are cropped.