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Weekend Photography

Writer's picture: CLCL

This weekend Detroit hosted the 2023 Chevrolet Grand Prix. I was pretty much oblivious to this fact until I realized how packed the Q Line was on a searing hot Saturday afternoon; the Q Line is the local train and although still free it's never packed. My destination was a quiet stroll around Belle Isle.

As I made my way to Jefferson the thunder of the race cars drew me in. I don't think I've ever heard one before in person. One word comes to mind; POWER. The cars are sleek and impressive but the sound is simply amazing. As they grow closer and whip by it transforms to a technical bee sound. I was probably the only one there enthralled by the different stages of sound.

The area was gated off so pictures without a press pass were very spectator. I shot a couple and continued onto my destination. The beach on the island was busy with smoking grills, drifting boats, and splashing swimmers. It was a nice summer scene after Covid.

The images that I added for this blog is from Sunday. The plan was to do nothing but write this blog, and edit the images from Saturday. I wasn't loving that lot. It happens. Anyway it was too nice to sit in front of my computer so I grabbed my Holga and Lomo LCA and took another walk.

I kept looking up so most of my images are just that. There are two images that I really like. The first is the Detroiter Bar. It's a double exposure and a real argument for why images should be seen on a big screen. Details are important and in this image it looks as if the bar is growing the flowers instead of the obvious overlay.

The second image that I ended up liking a lot was of the two men in front of the closed Parthenon Restaurant in Greektown. The restaurant has photos covering it's windows and the same prominent photo on the door and on the window could be them. The body language, the appearance as if they recognize themselves? The writer in me. All images are Holga 120 with the 35 mm film pack. I used Kono Sunstroke. I love this film because it's so vibrant and overly saturated. Click to view larger; galleries and slide shows are cropped.

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